Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 2 : Build Time

We Are Near the Heart Shaped Island

All Ready for Work for the Lord

Time to Work

It's like Glass :)

Second day.

We already slept in the GK Village and fairly knew how it felt so eeriely quiet until someone every now and then would disrupt it with a loud snore that easily can be heard across the village. One youth described it as strong enough to blow the entire GK house from the ground.

"Exag" - any teener would say for something that is more than reality. To the uninitiated, it is short for exaggeration, needless to explain.

The house was surely still intact when we woke up. I really don't know. We didn't check. What is for sure is that the snorer - was me.

Despite that ruckus, we were pumped up and ready. We did an early morning walk, which we considered to be our Morning prayers and meditation, absorbing as much fresh air before we buckled down to work.

It may not have been enough to finish one house, yet our efforts which lasted til the rains set in was enough to see the basic foundations of a GK home. We knew we did our best and whoever will live there will surely be happy that all of us ensured that it will be strong and sturdy.

We will know. I'll try to snore inside it to do a stress test next year. :)


Michele said...

That was a FUN(ny) entry :-) Brought to mind the big bad wolf who would huff and puff and blow houses down - except you do it by snoring. Wow, nabulabog ang barrio Gasan!

Anonymous said...

For a while I thought there was a bagyo. hahaha. Whose name was Junnie. :P

You guys looked like you had a fun build..I'm looking forward again to next year. :D